Sunday, February 21, 2010

Anti-Sense - Print group

Meeting on Friday, 19.2.2010

Discussion on materials and size for the book (final piece)
Public and interactive element: comment book for viewers

The book is a in a way a multi-dimentional piece: 3d containing 2d (pages w. print (signs), letters etc), reflecting the multi-dimensional elements in Kafka's story.

Next meeting Wed., 24.2., 10.00 for final decisions and making of the book.


1 comment:

  1. Kafka plays with language through metaphors. He appears to treat the narrative like a 'muse'. Muse as in, a guiding spirit and source of inspiration. There are undertones of the sublime, transcending logic, creating an anti-sense structure.

    By printing images our mark becomes the impression. 'Odradek' is Kafka impression. The impression through print is an art of topography. The six hand printed books have both physical and temporal qualities, yet as an art work it transcends the authors original idea. The viewer now interprets what is seen and felt and has ownership of the outcome of the experience.
